Friday, April 18, 2014

Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D: "Providence"

Things get (sorta) better.   Hydra may not be less hokey, but Whedon and company poke fun when they can: 

"You look like a West Texas cheerleader at a pep rally."

We're also introduced to Eric who, while looking like a gamer geek, is highly competent and asking, nay, demanding, all the right questions.    (Hi, Coulson.  Who the fuck are these people  and why should they be trusted?) 

Ward continues to show he's a smarmy, backstabbing git, Coulson still hasn't let May out of the doghouse, and Flower Girl?   

Raina's going to be bummed to learn the toothfairy isn't real either.
I dunno what to make of Flower Girl.  She wasn't alone bizarrely attached to the idea Garrett aka the Clairvoyant had real psychic powers, but geez, she acts like she just learned Santa Claus isn't real.   How can someone that naive and trusting be willing to work for KAOS, er, I mean, Hydra?

Where the hell are we again?
So after dragging everyone in the middle of nowhere, getting inside Fury's super duper secret base, Sky gives the game away as soon as Ward calls to see what's up.   Of course it's not Sky's fault, no one knows Ward is Hydra, but it's excruciatingly painful to watch.  I guess the writers just want us to know how good Ward is at evil.

Not just evil, but happy evil
 Meanwhile, Garrett makes a deal with the newly released Quinn for access to the mini McGuffin, er, gravitonium.


  Gravitinum? Anyone wondering why the word "hokey" features in these AOS reviews?

Anyway, Ward and Garrett agree to use Ward's hotness to manipulate Sky into decrypting the other McGuffin.  Oh boy.  Can't wait.

Side note, I've recently starting watching the remastered "Get Smart" series. Every time KAOS is on screen Hydra is never far from my thoughts.  That is how hokey Hydra as a concept remains.  Fortunately the characters, especially Coulson and Sky, capture my interest enough for me to hand wave Marvel's hokeiness...for now.

Speaking of hokey, I know what "Agents of Shield" needs to spice things up:  exploding paint. 

Paint that explodes by vibration..BOOM

How I've been feeling about the last couple episodes

I'll send a can to Hydra FedEX.

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