Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Strain and the "Plot Device That Must Not Be Named"

I'm enjoying the TV adaptation of Del Torro's "The Strain".  But I have to say, after three episodes, with genre savvy clues in abundance, one element strains (hah, hah) credibility:  the lack of one character using the "V" word.

And I don't mean "Voldemort". 

Perhaps it's set in a world without Ann Rice.  Or any vampire legends whatsoever.  But it's starting to get a bit silly:

I'd expect a snarky gallows humor joke about the V-A-M P-I-R-E-S by now.  

I am enjoying the show, especially the subplot between the Holocaust survivor and the Nazi(boo, hiss).  But I'm looking forward to a character who will state the obvious...this looks like VAMPIRES.

Maybe it'll happen tonight.

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