Monday, January 6, 2014

Strange Visitors

Visitors are lovely.  At least some visitors.  Others, you wonder what they're up to, how long they will stay and if they'll eat up all the food.

There's some odd traffic to this blog from the Netherlands.  As much as I would love to believe my musings on popular culture have circled the globe and captivated a foreign audience,  it's doubtful. My updates have been infrequent and mostly for my own amusement.

A far more likely explanation is this person is part of a group of con artists who remain vindictive even after 7 years of disassociation.  Why do I suspect this?  Because there's been a recent bout of Terms of Use violation reports and yet another attempt to contact responsible adults close to these people to resolve this.  They have long since learned to be "hit counter" shy, sending friends to view what they don't dare.  Sadly, they have not learned not to lie.

In any event, they have two associates in the Netherlands.  If I'm correct, I'm not really sure what the point is.  This blog has nothing to do with their "interests".  However, part of the con was appropriating material and ideas from people they were deceiving.   A bit like a small child mimicking adults for laughs.   At first it seems flattering.  But then one realizes how creepy it is; they mimic to hide their own writing styles and try to appropriate ideas they are too dull to come up with on their own.   

Therefore I must wonder if my visitor's goal is to exploit my intellectual property.

To whom it concerns:  This is a bad idea.  You are not invisible:
 Location:  N---------, G----------, Netherlands
This is not a proxy.  This is an individual who seems to have come by searching for the blog, not content(popular content searches involve "The Hobbit". Review of Desolation of Smaug coming soon) .

If I am wrong about the intentions of this visitor, I apologize.

If I'm right, be aware I will protect my intellectual property to the fullest extent of the law.  That includes all material on my blogs.  As unreasonable as the DMCA laws can be, they can be quite handy.

You have been warned. 

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