Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chinese Tax Dollars at work.....

Too funny for words:

Sex Doll Saved From Drowning By 18 Cops

The doll could not be reached for comment.
The phrase "inflated body count' took on new meaning for 18 cops in China's Shandong Province who worked together to save a sex doll they thought was a drowning woman.

The incident happened July 11 when officers responded to a report that there was a lady in distress in one of the province's rivers. The crew worked frantically for nearly an hour to rescue the woman, according to Digital Journal, and in the process, attracted a crowd of about 1,000 curious, excited and anxious spectators to the scene.
It took more than 40 minutes before the officers were able to recover the pleasure toy.
After confirming that they had indeed run around in a panic for nearly an hour over trying to rescue someone’s blow-up girlfriend, the police presented it to the anxious crowd, who quickly covered their children’s eyes and walked away, according to
No word on how the sex doll got in the river in the first place, but the Times of India reports that Shandong is an important center for producing sex toys in China and supplies them across the globe.

 Comments vary from the obvious, the brilliant and the tasteless,  dominated by a combination of all three:

Give me the facts, then I'll decide...
04:14 PM on 07/24/2012
I find it incredibly amusing that these people took their children with them to see what was most likely a dead body being fished out of the water, but once it turned out to be a blowup sex doll (which, not to mention, isn't exactly anatomically correct explicit anyway), they THEN felt the need to cover their children's eyes.

Button Pusher
04:57 PM on 07/24/2012
She was obviously well loved. Rest in pieces. 
05:08 PM on 07/24/2012
I think "saved" is the wrong word...look at her condition! 
07:10 PM on 07/24/2012
they'll have to put her down..... 
Not all who wonder are lost
03:36 PM on 07/24/2012
Hey! This sets the stage for a whole new reality show, "Chinese Keystone Cops." 
Think for your self.
03:26 PM on 07/24/2012
All Chinese police officer's are now required to carry tire patch kits. LOL 
03:16 PM on 07/24/2012
From the looks of it, the doll didn't survive, but her companion is recovering in a psychiatric facility.
02:18 PM on 07/24/2012
Why isn't the doll Chinese? 
i the ys
eternity takes no time at all
02:50 PM on 07/24/2012
It's for export. 
It just. Doesn't. Matter.
02:55 PM on 07/24/2012
Clearly a kidnapped sex slave from the Americas. 
And then someone gets serious:

Match bearings and shoot!
02:14 PM on 07/24/2012
For all the folks laughing, if the police, fire dept, ect, respond to an emergency call for a person drowning, as a father, I really want them giving 110% every time. Even if it turns out to be a blow-up doll. The fools in this story aren't the rescuers.
 He's right.  They should give 110% because you never could have been a person.  Or a dog. Or a dolphin.  Or a tire. Or a plastic bag.

Seriously, though one of the "rescuers" could have died.   But they didn't.  And it's still freaking funny.   I was up all night laughing at comments.  

This wasn't the first wacky misunderstanding in China this week.  Villagers went the extra mile to "save" a "rare mushroom", with hilarious results.

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