Sunday, May 13, 2012

Harry Freaking Potter on the bus...

It was last Tuesday.  Or possibly Wednesday.  One of those days with "day" in it.  I'm riding the bus to a friend's house whilst behind me I'm being regaled by a couple of college nerds talking about everything under the sun.

They're vocal, but oddly not intrusive; much of it is quite interesting: their classes, their favorite this and that, books, movies, whatever.   It's a bit like conversational white nosie.

Then I hear the word Gryphindor Gryffindor.  Which I apparently forgot how to spell.

She's explaining to him that "these are Gryffindor colors".   Being a Potter nerd, my ears perk up to follow the conversation closer as she explains her reference.

Then he does it.  He says the Unclean Word.   The Blasphemy:

"Oh yeah, I'm not really into that Harry Potter, Twilight kinda stuff."

I stiffen.  Unbeknowest to me, the woman sitting next to me, who I've never met in my life, stiffens as well.  As the young woman politely but firmly corrects her companion about confusing Harry Potter and Twilight, the woman and I turn as one to face the Blasphemer and echo the rebuke:

"Harry Potter has nothing to do with Twilight."

A hearty laugh was had by all.  

True story; exact details may be lost to memory...apologies in advance to all involved.

The casual reader might suspect I'm unimpressed with Twilight...they would be correct.